How to Assign Volunteers to a Position
Before assigning People to a Volunteer Position, you will need to have your Departments and Positions already set up.
For more information, go to: How to Set Up Departments & Positions
Step 1: In your Dashboard, select the Community module in the drop down menu
Step 2: Select People and then People in the side menu
Step 3: Search for the person, and select their name to go to their Community Profile.
Step 4: Select Volunteer in the side menu
Step 5: Select New Position
Step 6: Select a Department, Sub-Department, and Position from the drop down menu.
Select a name for the Report To section. Report To is the person who will receive a notification to their email on record when the volunteer Accepts/Declines a Volunteer Request.
Step 7: Select Save
This volunteer now has a Position that they volunteer in and can now be scheduled to serve!
You can continue to add more positions, if necessary.
Schedule Volunteers
Before you are able to schedule volunteers, you will need to Create Departments and Positions, and Create a Service Plan.
Step 1: Select the name of your Service
Step 2: In the Service Team tab, you can schedule your Volunteers
Select the [+] to schedule a Volunteer for that position
Step 3: Type or select the name of the Volunteer you would like to schedule for that position.
Until your Volunteer confirms they are able to serve in that position, on that day, their name will appear with a ? next to it.
Step 4: When you have scheduled all of your Volunteers for the service, scroll to the bottom and select Save
The Volunteers you just scheduled will receive an email asking them to "Accept" or "Decline" the request to serve.
They can also view the Service Plan and see who else is scheduled to serve along side them.