Managing Media allows you to upload photos and videos to your Media Library. The media library has unlimited storage. Once you have uploaded your media you will have access to it in your media library.
This article will provide step-by-step instructions how to add photos and videos to your Media Library.
Video Walk-Through
Coming Soon!
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In your Dashboard, select the Content module dropdown menu.
Step 2: Select Media and Add New
Step 3: Select, Select Files or drag and drop as many files as you would like in to the upload box.
Step 4: Select, Select Folder to choose a folder from the dropdown menu. This is where your media will be located in you Media Library.
Step 5: Select Upload. Your media will then be placed in your Media Library, where you will be able to store and access your media.
Adding Media to Content
When you're publishing an article or custom post your editor has ability to access the media library instantly by clicking Add Media
To add media to your sermons, see here.
You can add external media (royalty free images) to your library by clicking External Media on the left menu and then searching a keyword, and clicking the images you'd like and then selecting Import To Media
Church Base Marketing Tip: Can't find the image you're looking for? Check out for beautiful, free photos. Gifted by the world's most generous community of photographers!