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App User: Communicate in the News Feed

How to post, comment, and filter who sees posts in the news feed for an App User.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Anyone who has downloaded your app and logged in make a post, comment on posts and like posts on the News Feed section of your app. (click here to see how users can log in)

This Article will provide instructions on how App Users can interact with the News Feed section of your app.

Note: All users will be prompted to login using a cell phone number before being allowed to post.

From here people can like post and comment on posts. Users can also share photos or videos in the comment section of posts.

By selecting the paperclip icon users can upload photos and videos to others posts.

Users are able to post videos, pictures, and needs of their own at the bottom.

To post a photo select the landscape icon

To post a video select the camera icon

To post a need select Need.

After selecting Need you will be taken to this screen:

At the bottom users can choose who can view their Needs

GROUPS: allow the groups a person is a member of in the Community module to view their need on the Newsfeed

MY COMMUNITY: Only works if you create a Community page within App Pages. In the Community page on the app or website a user can add people to their community list.

EVERYONE: Will allow anyone who views the newsfeed to see your post.

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