Your PWA is mirrored to your App. Most changes you make in your App will also change in your PWA. However, there are a couple places in the dashboard that are specifically for your PWA.
Step 1: In Connection, click on Design Options.
Step 2: Scroll down to find Footer Address and Footer Sections. These will only appear on your PWA.
As you are building your App and PWA, you'll find many places where you can turn on a toggle that states Show in App and Show in PWA. If you would like something to appear in your PWA, click Show in App.
One example of this is in App Pages. When you click the Edit Icon on any of your App Pages, you'll see the following:
By clicking the toggle, you can have your page appear in both App and PWA, or just one of them.
Step 3: In the Connection module, go to App Pages, and click the Edit icon next to "Home".
Step 4: Here you can add a Banner to your PWA Website. Click Upload Banner Image to chose your image. You can set a colored gradient to go over the image, update the Banner Title, and update the Banner Description.
Home Logo Size
To make your App/PWA Home Logo size larger, you may use the sliding bar to increase or decrease the Logo's size.
PWA Analytics
In your Connection module, on the left side menu, click on the dropdown arrow next to Analytics, then click PWA.
This will open your PWA Website Analytics. Here you can see Time Spent in PWA by Features, Visits by Feature, and Top 5 Feature Visits.