When you add a folder, you are able to group like items to appear in the same section, much like your home page. For example, you may create a Media folder, and include cards that link to your Sermons page, Sermon Notes page, and Livestream page.
Step 1: In your Connection module, click on App Pages in your sidebar menu.
Step 2: Click the Create Page button.
Step 3: Click on the Folder option to create your folder.
Step 4: You'll see your new folder appear at the bottom of your App Pages. Click on the Edit icon.
Step 5: Click on each of the toggles, switching them to red, to Activate, Show in App, Show in Menu, and Show in PWA.
Step 6: Always be sure to hit Save.
Step 7: Next, click on Add Card.
Step 8: Select Standard Card.
Step 9: Under Folder card, next to the standard card just created, click on the Edit icon.
Step 10: Change the name of the folder to what you would like, then click on the Link Card to Page dropdown.
Step 11: Link the card to the page of your choosing.
Step 12: Click the Refresh App button to preview in the App Preview, and always remember to click Save.